In 1959 the Fourteenth Dalai Lama of Tibet escaped from his Chinese occupied homeland to India, inspiring 120,000 of his countrymen to follow him. Working hard to rebuild their lives and preserve their distinctive and timeless culture and lifestyle, these people, from difficult beginnings, have become arguably the most successful refugee community in the world.

Nowadays the Tibetans have to fear for the preservation of their culture since the constantly growing Chinese population is rapidly crowding out the native Tibetans.

The latter are often no longer able to practice their religion unhindered, an essential element of their native culture.

The film describes a colorful culture in which secular and spiritual powers are in the same hands. This concentration of the Dalai Lama's power becomes visible in the fortifications overlooking the city of Lhasa in Potala.

Furthermore, pictures from Katmandu show how the old customs and traditions, threatened by extinction in their land of origin Tibet, are surviving among the Tibetans in exile.

Poet, scholar, philosopher, and master of Vajrayana (Tibetan) Buddhism, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche led a life of profound dedication to spiritual enlightenment and teaching. During the final fourteen years of his life his personal assistant was Matthieu Ricard. Together they traveled throughout Tibet, Bhutan, India, and Nepal, returning to the places of Khyentse Rinpoche's youth: his birthplace in Eastern Tibet; the monastery of Shechen which he had entered at the age of eleven; and the retreats where he spent years in meditation and study. At every stop on his journey, Khyentse Rinpoche was welcomed with elaborate ceremonies and outpourings of devotion.

"Khyentse Rinpoche was a model for all other holders of the teachings. We should not only admire his inconceivable knowledge, wisdom, and accomplishment, but, more importantly, we should follow his example and emulate those qualities ourselves. The Buddha's teachings are of enormous value for everyone, not only to dedicated practitioners but to lay people, too, and we must try our best to practice and implement them, and to emulate the great teachers who have followed him."-- His Holiness the Dalai Lama, from his Remembrance.


In the high mountains of Tibet, where trees don't grow, natural resources scarce, and the land is harsh, Tibetan Buddhists do not bury their dead, nor waste precious resources cremating the body. From dust to dust, flesh to flesh, nothing is wasted. Human body flesh makes precious food for the vultures. Tibetan Buddhists feed their dead to the vultures. This is good karma.


I propose here some FREE CROCHET PATTERNS to be combined in doilies, skirts or other crochet pieces as you like. They are very easy to crochet, and if you have some imagination, you can obtain really beautiful pieces for your home, or for yourself. Try to crochet first the easiest ones. By practicing, you will be able to combine pieces of patterns, and in this way you can achieve a nice, unique fashion device.
Vă propun aici câteva MODELE GRATUITE PENTRU CROŞETAT care pot fi folosite pentru a croşeta mileuri sau alte lucruri croşetate, după dorinţă. Modelele sunt uşor de executat, iar dacă aveţi puţină imaginaţie, puteţi obţine lucruri utile pentru casa dvs., dar şi piese de îmbrăcăminte pentru dvs. Încercaţi mai întâi modelele simple. Practicând şi lucrând cu croşeta, veţi putea să combinaţi modelele şi astfel veţi putea obţine piese extraordinare, unice şi moderne.
do it yourself fashion part threedo it yourself fashion part three
do it yourself fashion part threedo it yourself fashion part three
do it yourself fashion part threedo it yourself fashion part three
do it yourself fashion part three
do it yourself fashion part three
do it yourself fashion part three
do it yourself fashion part three
do it yourself fashion part three
do it yourself fashion part three
do it yourself fashion part threedo it yourself fashion part three


Here you have some other EASY CROCHET FREE PATTERNS which you can do it yourself. You can use these patterns for blankets, for tops, for skirts or shirts, or for all kind of crochet accessories. If you have imagination, you can combine all these FREE PATTERNS in order to obtain a very nice piece of fashion clothing.
Vă propun alte MODELE DE CROŞETAT GRATUITE pe care le puteţi executa singuri. Unele pot fi folosite pentru a croşeta pături, bluze, fuste sau tot felul de accesorii. Dacă aveţi imaginaţie, puteţi să combinaţi aceste MODELE GRATUITE pentru a obţine unele piese de îmbrăcăminte moderne.
do it yourself fashion part twodo it yourself fashion part two
do it yourself fashion part twodo it yourself fashion part two
do it yourself fashion part twodo it yourself fashion part two
do it yourself fashion part twodo it yourself fashion part two


There are some EASY CROCHET FREE PATTERNS which you can do it yourself. Some are used for blankets, for tops, for skirts or shirts, or for all kind of crochet accessories. If you have imagination, you can combine all these FREE PATTERNS in order to obtain a very nice piece of fashion clothing.
Vă propun câteva MODELE DE CROŞETAT GRATUITE pe care le puteţi executa singuri. Unele pot fi folosite pentru a croşeta pături, bluze, fuste sau tot felul de accesorii. Dacă aveţi imaginaţie, puteţi să combinaţi aceste MODELE GRATUITE pentru a obţine piese de îmbrăcăminte moderne.
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do it yourself fashion part onedo it yourself fashion part one

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