Showing posts with label CULTURE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CULTURE. Show all posts

Best 10 Mantras

Best 10 Mantras with lyrics

1. Ganesh Mantra: Om Gan Ganapataye Namo Namah

2. Mahamrityunjay Mantra: Om Trayambakam Yajamahe

3. Gayatri Mahamantra: Om Bhoor Bhuvah Swaha

4. Sai Mantra: Om Sai Namo Namaha

5. Hanuman Mantra: Om Ramdutay Vidmahe

6. Shanti Mantra: Nilanjan Samabhasam Raviputram Yamagrajam

7. Mahalaxmi Mantra: Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu

8. Mahakali Mantra: Om Jayanti Mangala Kaali

9. Raksha Mantra: Jai Maa Santoshi - Raksha Mantra

10. Swami Samartha Mantra: Om Namo Shree Swami Samartha

Ganesha Mantra

Om Gan Ganapathaye Namo Namaha

This is a Ganesha Mantra Compilation with its meaning and significance explained. Seek the blessings of God with these wonderful Mantras. Ganesh Mantra is said to have the power to remove all evil and obstacles.

Om Gan Ganapathaye Namo Namaha

Shree Siddhivinayak Namo Namaha

Ashtavinayak Namo Namaha

Ganapati Bappa Moraya

“Om Namah Shivaya” Mantra

This mantra is a tribute to Shiva (Mahadeva), the Supreme Destroyer. This mantra is one of the most popular Hindu mantra and the most important in Shaivism.

NA means the three-eyed one

MA is the world

SI stands for Shiva

VA is His revealing grace

YA is the soul

The five elements, too, are embodied in this ancient formula for invocation. NA is earth, MA is water, SI is fire, VA is air, and YA is ether, or Akasa. Click the image below.

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Namah Shivaya has such power that the mere intonation of these syllables reaps its own reward in salvaging the soul from bondage of the treacherous instinctive mind and the steel bands of a perfected externalized intellect.

Namah Shivaya quells the instinct, cuts through the steel bands and turns this intellect within and on itself, to face itself and see its ignoance. Click the image below.

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Sages declares that mantra is life, that mantra is action, that mantra is love and that the repetition of mantra, japa, bursts forth wisdom from within.

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See also:

Repeat “Om Namah Shivaya” with the feeling that you are bowing to Shiva - your true inner self. Repeat this mantra with respect. The inner self is the form of God in you. So as you say this mantra, i.e. "I bow to Shiva'; you are actually bowing to God - The great almighty. The repetition of the name of God is equivalent to be merged in his very being.  When you repeat God's name in your mouth, in one way, you experience the God itself. Just repeat this mantra with faith and it's powerful phonetic vibrations will start doing miracle for you.

“Om Namo Narayanaya” Mantra

This mantra represents a tribute to Lord Vishnu (Narayana), the Supreme God, in his infinite all pervading form.

Bhagavata Purana declares Narayana as Para Brahman (Supreme Lord) who creates unlimited universes and enters each one of them as Lord of Universe.

This mantra of Vishnu (also known as Narayana) is chanted to invoke His all pervading powers of mercty and goodness. It is through His grace that righteousness is able to prevail.

Repetition of this mantra confers infinite love, prosperity, power, glory, wisdom, and total liberation. It gives the ability to dissolve obstacles resulting from egoism and ignorance. It is a mantra of peace, bringing balance to an off-centered world. Click the image below.

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See also:

“Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha” Mantra

Tribute to Lord Ganesha (Ganapathy), this mantra is an embodiment of wisdom and bliss.

Ganesha is Vighneshvara, the Lord of Obstacles, both of a material and spiritual order. He is regarded as a remover of obstacles, though traditionally he also places obstacles in the path of those who need to be checked. Click the image below.

om gam

Lord Ganesha represents OM or the Pranava. That is why all mantras start with OM, a tribute to the Lord of new beginnings. Chant this when starting a new task to ensure that it is free of any hindrances. Click the image below.

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Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha, this mantra is said to destroy karmas that obstruct any task from getting accomplished. Whenever things don’t seem to be moving forward or there is no progress in spite of best effort, simply chant this mantra and bust all the obstructions in your path. Click the images below.

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See also:

Cu sorela prin lume - Qatar

Qatar. Una din cele mai bogate ţări din lume. Căldură mare. Aproape patruzeci de grade şi suntem abia în aprilie. Zăpuşeală peste tot. De la ora zece dimineaţa temperaturile cresc vertiginos. La prânz până la şase după-masa nu prea poţi stai pe străzi. O lume arabă superbă, plină de culoare, în care vechea civilizaţie se îmbină perfect cu clădirile futuriste.


În Qatar opulenţa este la tot pasul. Aici nu există bani monede, doar hârtii. Preţurile sunt comparabile cu cele din România. Ţigările sunt extrem de ieftine, la jumătate de preţ, de benzină nu mai vorbim. Camerele de hotel sunt imense, mâncarea este din belşug, iar pieţele (bine cunoscutele souq) sunt arhipline de tot ce vrei şi ce nu vrei. O particularitate – la ora şase se întunecă deja în Doha.

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