Crochet Spring Flowers

Spring is coming. Yes, yes, it is just middle of February but… still… spring will come finally. Why not making some crochet flowers?

Take a pot, fill it with stones or journal paper and crochet over a kind of hat with some flowers. Whatever comes into your mind. Cactus, bell flowers, spring flowers. Use all available yarns.

All the flowers I made are for my daughter. Hope she will see them and enjoy. I miss her so much…

crochet cactus 01 Crochet cactus 001

crochet cactus 1 Crochet cactus 002

crochet cactus 02 Crochet cactus 003 

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crochet cactus 7 crochet cactus 8

crochet cactus 9 Crochet flower pots 2

crochet flowerbells 2 crochet flowerbells 4

crochet flowers 1 crochet flowers 4

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crochet roses 2 crochet roses 4

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crochet violets 1 crochet violets 4

crochet violets 5 crochet violets 8

spring flower 01 spring flowers 01

spring flowers 02

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Crochet Magazine No. 6
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Over 1400 Crochet Patterns for All
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Granny Square Crochet
Easy Crochet Squares

A Farewell To Florinel aka Tzarul Nicolai

Our known Universe is very huge. Nevertheless, human beings’ life on Earth is too short. I was wondering why the Deities made it like this. A small planet among billions and billions of other small, medium and big planets, where people are fighting to each other, generation after generation, for something that is not eternal at all. Here on Earth we consider the human beings the top of the trophic link, the most evoluated race, the civilized “animals” with the gift of communication… in a word… the civilization.

Hence, the life is too short to say to someone how much you love and respect the civilized passing-by in this Universe…

On Sunday, January 24, this year, another one of us passed away. A day with an important meaning for Romania, the Great Union. Florinel aka Tzarul Nicolai, #SocialFlo suffered a heart attack at 7 p.m. and the Universe has frozen again for all the people who knew him. A great husband, a good friend, a wonderful social media presence and very intelligent human being who liked to share all his knowledge with all people around him.

tzarul nicolaiThe concoleances and all the messages with R.I.P. (rest in peace) cannot wipe the great deprivation and the pain of losing someone dear. For someone who spent almost thirty years in the company of such a friend, husband and Ambassador at Respect Media this is a huge loss. He was too young to pass away, too full of passion and life to leave this Earth just like that.

But our known Universe is guided by laws we do not understand, we do not know, and by misteries that are far beyond our comprehension.

Hope is the last thing we have when such a loss crosses our lives. For Christians there is Resurrection. For Buddhists there is Reincarnation. For other beliefs in this world of us there are a lot of other hopes that one day we will meet again in another dimension.

Farewell, Tzarul Nicolai… Farewell Florinel. Rest In Peace and God Bless His Wife to pass throughout this ordeal of losing someone so dear.tzarul nicolai 1

tzarul nicolai 2

Crochet Your Own Flower Pots (Flori croşetate în ghiveci)

Dacă vreţi să aveţi propriile ghivece cu flori, le puteţi croşeta după preferinţe. Mie îmi plac violetele de Parma. Şi trandafirii. Şi cactuşii. Aşa că mi-am făcut două ghivece cu flori.

Dacă vreţi să învăţaţi cum, vizitaţi link-ul de mai jos.

Iată ce a ieşit. Pentru mărirea imaginii daţi click pe ea.

Crochet African Violets 1 Crochet African Violets 2

Crochet African Violets 3  Crochet African Violets 4

Crochet African Violets 5 Crochet African Violets 6

Crochet Cactus Crochet flower pots 2

Crochet flower pots 1


See some of my works here:

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Crochet Magazine No. 6
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Crochet Magazine No. 1
Over 1400 Crochet Patterns for All
Crochet Diagrams
Granny Square Crochet
Easy Crochet Squares

Crochet Small Owl (Bufniţă croşetată)

I found on a French site this small owl with its pattern. For the lovers of owls this is very easy to crochet and to use it as a pandant or a broche. If you like bigger owls, you can visit my other post about owls, listed below.

crochet small owl bufnita

See also this post: My Own Universe: Crochet Owl Tutorial |

Pentru cele care vor să croşeteze o bufniţă pe post de pandantiv sau de broşă, aveţi aici schema. Se începe din mijloc cu un cerc şi urmăriţi schema pentru a obţine bufniţa. Pentru pandantiv nu uitaţi să aplicaţi o mică agăţătoare la mijlocul capului (se poate folosi zală sau material pur şi simplu sau mai uşor, un picou din croşetă direct, după al doilea picioruş simplu din mijlocul capului).

Vizitaţi şi postarea anterioară: My Own Universe: Crochet Owl Tutorial | 

Wooden Balls Necklaces

I had some colored wooden beads so I used them as below. You can combine all kind of wooden beads as you like. You can use them to necklaces, bracelets and leg-bracelets. Here it is what I obtained.

wooden balls jewlery 1

wooden balls jewlery 2 wooden balls jewlery 3

wooden balls jewlery 4

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Crochet Victorian Slippers (Papuci croşetaţi)

Here I found on an Italian site something very interesting: Victorian slippers. They can be done with the filet crochet technique, which is very easy. You can use the patterns for elegant shoes as well.

Papuci croşetaţi – Am găsit pe un site italian aceşti papuci din Epoca Victoriană şi m-am gândit că în zilele noastre, ei pot fi folosiţi drept papuci de dormit, pentru cele care-şi ung picioarele seara. Sunt foarte uşor de lucrat, prin tehnica fileu, exact după schema de mai jos. Se cos doar la spate. Se pot face din orice fir subţire de bumbac sau din fir de macrame. Modelele pot fi folosite şi pentru aplicare pe tălpi şi obţinerea unor balerii foarte eleganţi.

Crochet slippers papuci

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Crochet Magazine No. 6
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Crochet Magazine No. 1
Over 1400 Crochet Patterns for All
Crochet Diagrams
Granny Square Crochet
Easy Crochet Squares

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