This is the subject I like most: Irish crochet. Irish lace has always been an important part of the Irish needlework tradition. When times were hard, women had to find ways of supporting their family. This was particularly true during and after the great potato famine of the 1840s. During that time period, most women could do needlework, so it was only a short step to lace-making. Irish Crochet and Tatting traveled particularly well as equipment needed was simple, a ball of cotton and a shuttle for Tatting and simple crochet hook and cotton for Irish Crochet lace. The time passing, women improved this technique and simplified it a lot using it first for garments for the wedding dresses and then for casual dresses, tops, skirts and shawls. This is the most wonderful technique I ever tried and the results are more than marvelous. Glamour and elegance define this exquisite hand made piece of art.

You can read the short history of Irish crochet here: http://goo.gl/yoz0G where you can see the genuine technique. This is for advanced crochet. You can find and download the files of some antique Irish crochet patterns here: http://goo.gl/xP0Xq

I propose you a more easy way to crochet this in the following pictures. Hope to enjoy it.
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See also:
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Some patterns:
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patron crochet top laberinto1patron crochet top laberinto2
patron top calado crochet
patron vestido apliquespatron vestido apliques2
 Tutorial Paso a Paso Apliques1Tutorial Paso a Paso Apliques2Tutorial Paso a Paso Apliques3


  1. THis blog is a life saver. Can you tell me the title of the book these patterns are from?


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