Three weeks in Chine represented, for me, a real challenge. From Beijing to The Great Wall, from the vivid colored temples to the marvelous parks, from the Imperial Palace to the Olimpic Parc, all these gave me the sensation of immortality. Gorgeous places!

Trei săptămâni în China au reprezentat, pentru mine, o adevărată aventură. De la Beijing la Marele Zid Chinezesc, de la tempele viu colorate la parcurile splendide, de la Palatul Imperial la Parcul Olimpic, toate mi-au dat senzaţia de nemurire. Ce locuri minunate!

Art District Graffiti01Art District Graffiti02 

Art District Graffiti03Baita Q01 

Beihai Park01Beihai Park02

Beihai Park03Beijing Airport01

Beijing Airport02Beijing Airport03

Beijing Jin Rongjie01Beijing Jin Rongjie02

Confucian Temple02Confucian Temple01

Great Wall01Great Wall02

Great Wall03Great Wall04

Great Wall05Great Wall06

Imperial Palace-Gate of Celestial Purity01Imperial Palace-Gate of Celestial Purity02

Imperial Palace-Gate of Celestial Purity03Imperial Palace-Gate of Celestial Purity04

North Sea Park01North Sea Park02

North Sea Park03North Sea Park04

North Sea Park05Olimpic Park01

Olimpic Park02Olimpic Park03

Olimpic Park04White Cloud Temple01

White Cloud Temple02White Cloud Temple03

White Cloud Temple04White Cloud Temple05

White Cloud Temple06White Cloud Temple07

White Cloud Temple08White Cloud Temple09

White Cloud Temple10Yuan Ruin Park01

Yuan Ruin Park02Yuan Ruin Park03

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