I discovered a new way to draw – Zentangle. I like it.

252 CatDoodle 253 Cat-and-Window

262 Peacock On A Tree 255 PeacockDoodle

257 Bird Zentangle 258 Flower Zentangle

259 Mashroom Zentangle 260 Dansatoare

264 Ou pictat 261 Alien Zentangle

265 Mashrooms on Land

263 Oua de Paste

266 Craciun

267 Rabbits in Love

268 Shy Monkey 269 Me.Rabbit

270 Me.Lion 271 Panda Zen

272 Parrots in Love 273 The Ruler Monkey


Some sepia drawings.

242 Succulents

243 Indian 244 Englishman

245 Haitti Man 246 American

247 Portret de fata 248 Portret de femeie

249 Peisaj250 Noaptea in parc

251 Pe lac 256 Veverinta


Some aquarelle paintings to illustrate the spring that is coming.

238 Tiger

239 Cheetah

240 Buchet trandafiri

241 Vegetables

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